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Tuesday 24 February 2015

Part 4 Project 3 Ex 1 Basic shapes

Basic shapes

My course notes say I have an hour (with breaks) to concentrate on the axis of the body and basic shapes.  I should be drawing several poses from the hour sitting but I'm struggling to get that again in the group setting. I have several drawings that I think might fit the criteria for this exercise but they are different poses and probably longer than suggested.

1. The model sat on her left hand thank goodness and the pose was upright.  As I drew with my soft pastels I tried to use them to show warm and cool areas and define shape.  The head is better than usual but I had some problems with the right shoulder.

1. Sto seated - soft pastel - 30 minutes

2.  Sto lying on cushions - soft pastels lots of blending.  Cropped by the scanner..

2. I loved doing this it seemed to work from the word go.  The colours have helped me to get shapes.  I drew it in 20 minutes

3. Charcoal - I just like this

I'm well aware that I've strayed from the text a bit here but I hope that I've been able to demonstrate what the course requires.  I feel that I have to work with what I've been able to manage in my particular circumstances.  All of my work is using a life model and I'm reluctant to use photos.

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