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Sunday 1 February 2015

Part 3 Reflections

Demonstration of technical and visual skills

Observation is key to good drawing and I've sometimes found these skills sadly lacking.  When I've been drawing outdoors I've sometimes not put in enough detail to carry me through the development of my work.    It's to do with confident selection of content and I think this will probably come with experience. I always have photographic back up but at times this has led me up blind alleys by giving me more information than I actually need.  Gainsborough Old Hall is a case in point where I zoomed in to the window and there was no need. 

It has taken some time for me to be able to apply the rules of perspective to my work; particularly 3 point perspective.  My eyes and brain constantly deceive me.  However, I'm getting better at sorting it out quickly rather than having to work it through laboriously .

Quality of outcome

Because I started this course from a low base I can't help but be pleased and proud with what I've achieved.  However, I find it hard to integrate all my learning (I note I said this at the end of Part 2 as well).  An example from Part 3 would be overlooking composition when my focus is perspective.

I have a tendency to get too involved with detail and ignore the mark that will indicate my meaning.

I have found tone difficult in my outdoor work and there's a long way to go with using it confidently.

Demonstration of creativity

I have the desire to be creative but often not the technical skill to achieve my aspirations.  Assignment 3 is a case in point.  I really wanted to test myself with watercolours but ended up so frustrated that I abandoned it in favour of charcoal.  Sometimes my lack of experience is a great hindrance but in some ways it can be liberating as I can try things without baggage; for instance drawing sheds with bits of card.  It might not have worked so well this time but another time it might.

Context reflection

I have tried to use the work of contemporary artists both to develop my thinking and learn from. I find that some work (like that of John Virtue) can be hard to understand but falls into place as my knowledge increases.  I used my research to inform my thinking about Assignment 3.

I am trying to be more analytical in my approach and trying to tease out what is relevant to my own work.


I have struggled with outdoor work because of the season. I have arthritis which adds to the difficulty - getting cold can make me quite ill. But in an odd sort of way I loved sketching outdoors and this is something I will pursue as the summer approaches.  I find my quick sketches are often more pleasing to me than the work I develop from them.  It's a freedom that I seem to lose once I'm "trying hard" to be creative.  Some of the content of Part 3 relies on practising theory and maybe that has got in my way a bit and stopped me being free.

I've been going to a Figure Drawing Group where speed is often of the essence and been amazed at the feeling that can be captured in just a few short minutes.  It seems that things can easily be overworked.

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