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Sunday 24 August 2014

Part 1 - Project 2 - Ex 4

This exercise will be a challenge.  I have to draw a still life where one item is shiny and the other slightly less so.  Interpreting shadows and reflected light is the point of the exercise.  My drawing media is to be charcoal - not something I'm familiar with.

I chose a stainless steel teapot and a china mug - two items I turn to many times a day.  The first drawing was done early in the afternoon with light coming from the left.

The items were arranged slightly differently to the photo but this is what I did.

Tea break - charcoal with some stumping

I found charcoal very unforgiving - once it's on the page that's pretty much it.  I began by lightly sketching with pencil.  The light shifted as I drew and there came a point where I had to stop fiddling. I'm pleased the perspective looks right and this is entirely due to the learning I've done recently. I noticed that when I stood well back from my image I liked it more.  Whilst I'm sure with experience I will get better. I'm pleased with this.

I decided to try the same exercise using my new conte crayons - another unknown.

More tea - conte crayon and stumping

This was later in the afternoon and the shadows were quite different.  I found the conte crayon less messy but also less dense - there was a slightly scratchy feel to them.  The teapot handle looked almost striped with light and dark and it was reflected in the teapot itself.  Again I'm quite pleased with the outcome - I wouldn't have stood a chance a month ago.

1 comment:

  1. It's really enjoyable seeing the different mediums create very different effects. I think these are very successful.
