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Monday 28 July 2014

Part 1 - Project 1 - Research Point

For this research task I need to look at the work of artists of my choice and see if I can sense their feeling as they worked.  My pointers are to look for speed, pressure, angles and the general way marks are made.  As suggested in my course notes I have looked at the work of Julie Brixey-Williams and the fact that she is so excited by movement shines through in the exuberance of her drawings.  I particularly like the ephemeral drawings that with such a lightness of touch make me feel as if I was sixteen and could dance with abandon.

The picture is taken from

Julie Brixey-Williams
Cloud dance 3 from a series of 5 graphite and oil glazes on canvas 2007

Some time ago I saw the work of Karolina Szymkiewicz.  Her pencil drawings also depict the body in vigorous, almost crazy movement and in a more figurative way.  The drawings were an absolute delight and I think I picked up the happiness the artist had enjoyed while drawing them.  Her marks are fast and have tone and shading.  There is still lightness in the work and this reflects the speed and lightness of the subject matter.

Karolina Szymkiewicz - pencil drawing 60 x 80cm

Kyra Cane makes porcelain pots upon which she creates marks which suggest rugged countryside.  She develops her abstracted designs from drawings she makes.

Kyra Cane 2008

Her images are strong and demanding with harsh, dark lines densely packed.  The marks are short, straight and at many different angles. This is from Cane (2012) and is a charcoal drawing of the Pembrokeshire coast where she gets inspiration.

Kyra Cane - Pembrokshire Coast IV.  Charcoal on paper 58 x 75cm

The sea is rough and the weather looks raw and cold.

As I ponder the questions posed in  this Research Point these are my main thoughts:
  • art stirs a reaction in the viewer by acting as a trigger to emotion
  • the emotion is not necessarily the emotion of the artist as she worked
  • life experience impacts on how an image is received eg a recently bereaved person may be susceptible to a painting that evokes sadness.
  • an image can remind the viewer of an event and provoke the emotion felt at the time. For instance my delight in dancing as a girl was a strong memory when looking at the work of Karolina Szymkiewicz.
  • the artist cannot know for certain how his work will be received - only what he intended.
  • there are all sorts of variables that join at a certain point in time to create an emotional reaction to art.
Today I received my copy of Contemporary Drawing by Margaret Davidson (2011).  I've had no opportunity to read it properly but it is clear that choices the artist makes with intent all impact on how the viewer sees the image.  An example of this might be the way the chosen medium works with the surface selected.

I found this on the web
and I was pleased to get it "right".  The "Emotion in Art" is also worth a look.


Cane. K. 2012.  Drawing and Making.  Bloomsbury, London.
Davidson. M. 2011. Contemporary Drawing. Watson Guptill, New York.

1 comment:

  1. These are all new artists to me so thanks for the links. Some wonderful work.
