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Thursday 31 July 2014

Part 1 - Project 2 - Ex 1a

Groups of objects

In this piece of work I need to choose at least six objects of varying shape and size and draw them.  My drawing course now feels scarily real!

I managed to arrange some items from my shelf, put paper on my drawing board, stare at it for ages then leave it for a day.  I was quite unable to put pencil to paper let alone follow the minutiae of the brief.
Finally I've managed something.

My arrangement - I couldn't face anything like cloth

Attempt number 1 - 7B pencil on brown paper

It's hard to explain some of my difficulties but it's obvious perspective is all over the place.  I can see now that the left side of the book should taper slightly the other way.  This would explain why I had such difficulty with the spine (which defeated me).  I think this is also why I found the positioning of the items tricky. Somehow the mistakes are easier to spot when my drawing is compared to my photo.  In life I was starting to question exactly what I was seeing.

The same arrangement just turned around

Attempt number 2 - 7B pencil on lining paper

This time I was aware of  positioning the items and placed them before doing any serious work.  I drew and re-drew trying to get the items in the right place not for one minute thinking it was once again the perpective of the book that was wrong.  There are bits I'm pleased with - the Monet sticky notes is tapered from spine to edge and that comes through.

It's amazing that I could see what I wanted to do but no way could I acheive it. Lots to learn.

We have a very active local art society where all levels of expertise are welcome so tomorrow I'll be there.

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