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Saturday 25 April 2015

Part 4 Project 5 Ex 1 Single moving figure

Single moving figure

I spent some time watching my grandchildren as they played at the weekend.  They are at an age where they never stop and go from activity to activity at the speed of light.  A real test.

I tried to draw whilst looking at them and not the paper and that accounts for some of the weird and wonderful images.

These little sketches took no more than 10 seconds and I find it thrilling that so much can be captured in such a short time.

I particularly like the drawing of Max dancing - it has the energy that is his trade mark.  The two different positions on the bike worked better than I thought although the bikes are a bit suspect. There is weight on the arms in the lower image.

The see saw drawings are my favourites on this page because I have captured the motion of it.

It seems as though lines on the diagonal work for me - Lucy's leg as she swung it out for instance.

I sat in the car in the supermarkey car park and watched the shoppers as they walked into the shop. Most people were alone and in the position I was parked I usually got a back view.  These quick sketches are forcibly cropped as I scanned them rather than photographed as previously.

I found that it was best if I could find a certain something about the person.  For instance the hairstyle often depicts the sex or the way the arm is held (lower right pic 3) shows an arrogance I picked up.

I enjoyed doing this exercise - it's a good one for creating confidence.

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