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Wednesday 15 April 2015

Part 4 Project 4 Ex 1 Structure

The structure of the human body

I have a copy of Anatomy for the Artist by Sarah Simblet.  This is a wonderful book for understanding how the body is put together and I've looked at it long and hard.  In a way it's been a bit of a hindrance because it's quite intimidating to be faced with such detailed and beautiful images knowing that I have to have a go!

I've felt completely stuck with this exercise for reasons given elsewhere so I've decided to go with what I've done and move on in an attempt to reignite my motivation.

My left hand

Foot on the fence and toe with plaster
From a photo


Male skeleton

Bones of the right hand

Simblet S.  (2001)  Anatomy for the Artist.  Dorling Kindersley.

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