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Thursday 6 November 2014

Part 2 Project 6 Ex 3

Tonal Study

I'm going to pursue the sketch I started in Ex 1 and continued in Ex 2.

From Ex 1

From Ex 2

I worked in pencil and charcoal with just a touch of white pastel at the end.  I used a buff Ingress paper (50cm x 36cm) which turned out to have too  much tooth.   It took me a couple of hours.

I always struggle to get my dark tones deep enough and this is no exception - there's too much mid tone.  I extended the view slightly because I misjudged the scale.  

The settee arm and the skirting board follow the same line which I like.  I think the vertical of the curtain and that of the settee work well together and lend themselves to portrait format.  However, I played with the format by cropping my photo.

Cropped into landscape format

I also cropped in a portrait format but really I like the original best.

There is a very clear developmental process at work here and it will be a pattern for all my work in the future.

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